Most projects explored the design and fabrication processes for developing a creative solution in response to various constraints. Most projects are oriented around product design, engineering, and construction.
Although most projects required design, fabrication, and creative solutions, some were entirely research (literature) oriented. Some projects were group projects and could not have been completed without the team members hard work, enthusiasm, and genius.
Improvement of Synthetic ACL Grafts Using Hydroxyapatite Coatings
The goal of this project was to identify a medical implant and improve it. The deliverables included: new design of implant, FDA proposal, and testing of design.
This project required the team to design and make an abrasion testing device.
Woven polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was found to be the best material for a synthetic ACL graft. The hydroxyapatite coatings is meant to prevent abrasion of PET with the bone once implanted.
My tasks in this project included assisting in the design and creation of the abrasion instrument, SEM imaging, and research.
Handicap Accessible Micro Apartment - 1
Unlike most other projects this one required the greatest variety of skills. For me in particular, it required the most learning for my preparation required investigation into zoning laws, construction, building codes, ADA requirements, and much more. The most important constraints for this project were to have an apartment with all necessary amenities in no more than 600 sq ft.
Ultimately, I designed a micro apartment abiding to all regulations and project constraints. The final product culminated in construction drawings, apartment details and plans, interior and exterior renderings, technical drawings, fly through animation, and a model.
Material Selection and Life Cycle Analysis - Trash Can
This project optimized the technical, environmental. societal, and economic value and impacts of a conventional (house) trash can.
It include life cycle analysis; investigation of the footprint of material choice, energy use, solid residues, liquid residues, and gaseous residues in relationship to the life stages of the product: premanufacture, product manufacture, product delivery, product use, and product disposal.Nevertheless, the mass of the project was in material selection, process selection, and cost modeling.
Presenter at UC San Diego's Summer Research Conference
The Summer Research Conference (SRC) at UCSD is a summertime conference for anyone conducting research in Southern California. The conference had both international and domestic student researchers in fields of research ranging from specific STEM areas of study such as Wearable Sensors & Devices to topics such as Relationships, Gender, Perceptions of Others. All presentations were oral and had Q&A sessions.
I was invited to present Circuit Design and Mechanical Stretchability Testing of Stretchable and Wearable Electronics for Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices. My presentation covered obstacles and applications, approaches, objectives methodology (design and FEA, fabircation, and testing), results, conclusion and discussion, and recommendations and future work.
Mechanical Tester - Strain Gauge
The goal for this project was to create a mechanical instrument - a tensile tester - to investigate material properties of materials tested, such as a rubber band. The most important part of the device is the load cell, it translates loads to electrical signals. The project was facilitated by the use Arduino.
The instrument was designed and created in a one month period. The code used by the device was found online but modified to work with the components.
The Dragon - 3D Puzzle
The goal was to design a 3-dimensional puzzle which is comprised of 4-5 interlocking pieces, that assembled will hold together when handled.
The puzzle I created address more than the constraints. The product was designed to be aesthetically pleasing and have a "cool" factor.
Handicap Accessible Micro Apartment - 2
Unlike Handicap Accessible Micro Apartment - 1, this project required community planning and each apartment to be 200 sq ft smaller. The apartment size totaled 400 sq ft.
Air Motor
The manufacturing of an air motor is a tradition at Cal Poly. This project relied heavily on team work and cooperation. The project also included engineering drawings and renderings.
Small teams worked on particular parts and individual team members had specific tasks in the fabrication of parts. All parts were made using lathes and mills.
Metamaterials: Emphasis on Acoustic Metamaterial Design and Application
Occasionally I discover an article that inspires me to delve into research. The Waves of the Future May Bend Around Metamaterials, by John Markoff from The New York Times, caught my curiosity.
This project answered what are metamaterials, presented its history, and addressed theory of acoustic metamaterials, physics principles and laws involved, limitations, and applications.
Biodegradable Polymers & Biocomposites: Cellulose Fiber Materials
There is increased environmental consciousness and demands of legislative authorities for materials/products to be environmentally-friendly. So there is a critical discussion about the preservation of natural resources and recycling. The discussion includes the use and removal of traditional composite structures that are a problem because convenient removal after the end of life time, as the components are closely interconnected and relatively stable, make it difficult to separate and recycle them.
My research for this project identified a plausible solution: natural/bio-fiber reinforced composites and advantages and limitations for the proposed solution. It also delve into microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) and polylactic acid (PLA) for green composites.
Modular Lamp
This project explored the ability to design, fabricate, and sell an original lamp. The project constraints required the lamp to be modular and flat-pack (like IKEA furniture).
To address the design constraints all prototypes were designed to be manufactured using only laser cutter. Moreover, the final lamp does not require any adhesive or fasteners. It was sold for $80 USD at a local park festival.
The Triple Threat Net
Mr. Wile E. Coyote for years has been chasing the roadrunner and never caught him. The goal of this project was to create a mechanism (engineering solution) to help Coyote catch the roadrunner for consumption. The constraints for the project were the same as described by the creator, such as: the roadrunner can only run on the road. Additionally, the solution must be feasible and obey the laws of physics.
The project included detailed investigation and weighing of client requirements vs functional requirement.